Monday, October 20, 2008

Socialism and Taxes: A Primer

Obama wants to lower taxes for 95% of taxpayers. He's said it repeatedly, from the beginning of the campaign, but McCain has only recently gotten it. Now, McCain says, why, that's socialist, that's welfare! Except that McCain has been proposing that he'll do just the same thing. So let me get this straight:
  1. Giving tax breaks to the middle class makes one a socialist.
  2. Obama wants to give tax breaks to the middle class.
  3. QED, Obama is a socialist.
Do I have that right, Mr. McCain? If so, then the following also follows, using your very own original premise:
  1. Giving tax breaks to the middle class makes one a socialist.
  2. McCain wants to give tax breaks to "middle class families."
  3. QED, McCain is a socialist.
But McCain's not a socialist, that's silly! I smell a double-standard. So what does all this boil down to? Obama might be a socialist, and McCain is a hypocritical, lying douchebag.

UPDATE: HuffPost wonders the same as I do.

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